Friday, February 26, 2010

Walker Art Center Assignment

To start with, this assignment was harder than I had expected. I found it hard to enjoy most of the pieces as they conflict with my personal artistic style and tastes, though there were a small few that held my attention for a few minutes. Overall, I think the current exhibits just didn't hold my interest so it was a less-than-thrilling experience.

Alright, onto the assignment. The piece I found that captured my attention and held it was entitled "Ceaseless Boundless Endless Joy" which was created in 2008 by Todd Norsten. It features an oil on canvas (roughly 7' x 5') design, the words of the title painted on white canvas; it almost is reminiscent of ripping masking tape and placing the pieces to form letters and then words.

What I found entrancing about this piece was how simple it was, but it still brought a smile to my face. It challenged me to search the depths of my soul to find that expression of joy just so I could relate to the piece. Personally, I viewed the art as a giant metaphor, albeit a little cliche, but still meaningful - life is a great big blank canvas and as you experience it, you need to find those moments of ceaseless, boundless, and endless joy to patch up some of the rough spots.

That being said, there was one other piece that caught my attention: Robert Irwin's Slant/Light/Volume exhibit. The way it was set up drew me in and I felt encompassed by the light. It was almost breathtaking because the piece had an end to it, but it felt like I could almost soar passed it and into an endless beyond. It's a little hard to explain my feelings when I experienced this piece, and this is why I posed the other as my assignment.

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